Book & Spade
Defending scripture and a biblical world view
through archaeology, philosophy, and science.
Here you can find current events articles and content highlighting Book & Spade's founder, John Evans. You can also find other updates relating to the work produced by Evans.
Through the Eyes of
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
A brief meditation on the relevancy of private revelation in light of the culture's growing skepticism of the Bible and what Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant theologians can do to face these pressing questions.
by John C. Evans
The faces of the characters in these poems may be quite different, and not all of them may know precisely whom they are to look for in a theological sense. Some are seeking respite from the battlefield, others, the memory of a romantic interest, others still more, the tranquility of a society inspired and led by fraternal love. But in all of these glimpses is a universal hunger for “The Dawn” or a Eucharistic encounter with total love, transcendent love, and dare we say, incarnate love.
Print copies of Still, I Taste the Dawn available now.
John Evans on EWTN's “Life On The Rock”
Fr. Mark interviews John Evans, to discuss his life as an author, poet, and scholar, and how his devotion to Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey has affected his life.
Book & Spade on YouTube
John Evans, student of theology and history, discusses with Brother Roger DeGuire of Sacred Heart Parish in Yonkers, New York, the history of life and times of a miraculous man, Father Solanus Casey. Thanks to Sacred Heart Parish for allowing us access to film the reliquary.
" The Cradled God "
Evans' latest publication. In his own words, "This book is for all those who are heavy laden and desire rest. It is for the broken-hearted and for the lost. These pages have been crafted in reverence for a cradled God who was born among us for our redemption, and these pages have been penned in gratitude for His death upon a cross. For though our fathers bled Him dry and crowned His hallowed head in thorns, He has risen from His tomb and made the nations our inheritance. If you, my brother or sister, wish to arise from your distress, read on and know that you are loved. For with God, all things are possible. With love, all dreams can come to pass."
Our Latest Guests
A day in the life of the Holy Family
An interview with Stephen Ray
An interview with Stephen Ray covering a day in the life of the Holy Family and inside the walls of the Empty Tomb In this episode of Book & Spade, student of theology, John C. Evans, invites famous Catholic Convert, Stephen Ray, to lead his viewers through a virtual tour of the Holy Land, the sight of the annunciation, nativity, the location of the bread of life discourse, and the locale of the Passion.
An Interview with Dr. Scott Hahn
Regarding The Passion of The Church
and The Resurrection of The Body
Unveiling Paradise: In our discussion with Dr. Scott Hahn, John Evans explores why the Catholic Church’s Sacramental tradition matters in light of Sacred Scripture and how The Church can navigate these trying times. Evans also reviews some of Dr. Hahn’s discussion of what “life” truly means for the baptized family of God in light of his new book “Hope to Die.”
See Dr. Hahn’s website HERE.
The Stigmatist -
The Life of Saint Padre Pio
John Evans, student of theology and history, discusses with Brother Roger DeGuire of Sacred Heart Parish in Yonkers, New York miraculous life of St. Padre Pio. Thanks to Sacred Heart Parish for allowing us access to film the reliquary.
In the footsteps of the apostles, why Dr. Lydia McGrew’s work is important to New Testament Studies
In this discussion on the reliability of the New Testament, student of theology, John Evans, and cofounder of Book & Spade, Mathew Lewis, review the ongoing debate between Mike Licona and Dr. Lydia McGrew.
They also discuss their own personal faith journeys, why they believe the testimony of the apostles as trustworthy accounts, and briefly how the use of literary device theory may pose a danger to New Testament studies in the future.
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Enjoying much of the discussion in this video. Lex is asking some wonderful questions.
RT @TolkienWonder: Tolkien writing to his son Michael: “There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed;…
Hello friends, We’ve added a few new ways to listen to the Book & Spade podcast in addition to YouTube! On Spotif…
Which of the two thieves to we see within ourselves?