Through the Heart of the Deep,
An invocation of the Sign of the cross,
I arise today, in the fullness of the Trinity,
In the encouragement of the father,
In the mercy of the son,
And in the vision of the Holy Spirit, spread throughout the earth in the offerings of the Most Holy Eucharist.
I arise today, through the grace of Our Lady, the queen of peace,
With Christs’ love to guard me,
With Christs’ will to lead me,
With Christs’ word upon my lips and upon my mind.
For my heart has beheld the salvation of Zion,
And my soul has walked among the seeders of Lebanon.
My table has been set with the riches of princes.
My cup overruns in gladness and my songs testify of you.
For through the lamb of God,
We are redeemed of all trespasses,
We are called to the summit of forgiveness,
We are summoned to a feast of brothers and sisters, elders, and sages,
That we might proclaim without end,
“Holy, holy, Holy,
Lord God of Hosts,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the highest,
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.”
Let he with ears to hear, recall Christs’ bounty.
Let he with eyes to see, behold His living martyrs,
His servants in the vineyards and in the waste places and in the streets.
He has arrived, in the breaking of this oblation,
In the chalice that we share,
In the tears that we keep.
The name of the Lord of hosts is spoken.
He has clothed me in white and has set my hands to pray.
The light of the Lord is raised above the tents of wandering.
He has raised for me a tabernacle in the midst of wolves.
When the children of the abyss, swooped low to assail me,